July 4th, 2008 at 03:12 pm
Although, my 72 mile a day car commute is a real downer I found a positive note to my job moving to a new location. I spent only $7.15 for weekly lunches compared to $15 - $25 a week at the old location. I have made more of an effort preparing my own lunches/snacks instead of spending money at local restaurants. My $70 a month for parking at the old location is used for the increased commmute. I am keeping track of my gas expenses for this month. I want to get a better feel on how much I am really spending for gas. I spent $61 this week. The last positive is that I did not spend any money on new clothes since March!! Here is to maintaining positive thoughts!
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Personal Budget
May 29th, 2008 at 08:41 pm
Just returned from an award recognition ceremony at my organization. I was presented a certificate of appreciation and a cash award of $300!! YEAH!!! Totally out of the blue and I didn't see this coming. My boss gave out awards to several employees due to their sustained performance and work diligence. I need to think about what to do with this extra cash. No, I don't plan to spend it on clothes! (I am a reformed clothes addict.) I will dwell on this for awhile and make the best choice for the family. YEAH me again!!!!!!
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Personal Budget,
Extra Cash
March 29th, 2008 at 05:52 pm
I had every intention not to spend my personal money without a plan. Every payday I give myself $160 in cash to last for two weeks. This allowance would be used for gas, a beauty fix (okay, I will come clean about this habit. I love to get my hair done = $40 a week habit!), and for ocassional lunches at work. I ended up spending $32 for lunch with a friend #1 who need to be cheered up (great time and wonderful conversation!).
The second unplanned event was for a friend #2 who was call up for deployment at the last minute (She is leaving in early April). Me and friend #3 treated friend #2 to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (friend #2's favorite!). My portion of the bill was $44.84 (Lots of laughter and funny insights about our military experiences).
Okay, all of this unplanned spending meant that my beauty fix was going to be postponed until my next pay period. Until my luck or forgetfulness saved me from having a bad hair day. I found $80 in one of my money envelopes that was collected from several pay periods that I didn't utilize. I think I had days where I didn't spend it for lunch. Anyway my hair is now fierce!
Lesson learned from this story is that I need to allocate a bit of funding for the unplanned friend needing cheering up. A better method is to find a cheaper way to boost up their morale!
My friends and DH completed the National Marathon with outstanding running times of under 8 minutes per mile!
! I hope they don't need to go out to a restaurant to celebrate! 
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Personal Budget